Why Rugs By Design

Started by Interior Designers, RBD team understands how hard it is to find perfect rugs, among flipping rugs after rugs in the shops trying to find the right colors, designs and suitable sizes. Online seems offering more options, however you just can’t touch and feel the materials and see the true colours behind the screens. RBD not only you can shop for our curated luxury modern rugs online or in our showroom, you will also get one on one support from our interior designers should you require guidance for sizing, designs or colors.  Send us a photo of your space and let our interior designers to suggest suitable rug options for you! Easy as that!  RBD believes in more grounded and connected modern living, hence we prefer rugs made in natural materials to bring our homes livelihood and comfort, New Zealand Wool, Bamboo silk, Tencel Silk are our favourite .  Visit our showroom to see and touch yourself!Why Bespoke? Because sometimes you can have it All: the right design, size, materials can come together for your perfect piece of rug, with our designers and artisans’ teamwork.

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