Care & Cleaning Your Rug

Regular cleaning by vacuuming. Vacuum in the direction of the rug's pile, but not with the brushes in the "out position"

With Bamboo and Tencel Silk rugs, please use brushless vacuum.  Do not pull loose ends, clip them. Clip them with scissors to remove. Do not clean stains with water as this might damage the rug. Remove spills immediately, if liquid, with a clean un-dyed cloth by pressing firmly around the spill to absorb as much as possible. For hard-to-remove stains, professional rug cleaning is recommended.

Avoid direct and continuous exposure to sunlight. Most new rugs "shed" and this is very normal. Excess pile should be removed from the rug as it appears. Heavy furniture on the rug may leave the pile flat which is a normal characteristic for rugs. To avoid discoloration underlay is recommended. 

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